Empowering individuals to empower their community

How do we meet the needs of our youth? Together. At The B.E.S.T. Program we are building a social safety net. We recognize that our community is only as strong as our weakest most vulnerable members and we believe no one gets left behind.

Our volunteer program introduces the community member with no volunteer experience to the principles of volunteerism which can be summed up as “you see a need, fill the need.”

Personal development that the volunteer can expect through our volunteer course is, time management, professionalism, listening, critical thinking, group work, and commitment to community service.

We empower our students, parents, and community through our calendar of community service opportunities.

We incentivize volunteering through a point system where our volunteers earn scholarships, awards, and gifts!

We are committed to empowering you to empower your community. Become a volunteer today!